Step 3: Export to PDF - MRC

PDF Standard KeysPDF MRC Standard Keys

Note: If you would like to tune PDF Mixed Raster Content parameters manually, please use the following order of MRC keys in your CLI command:

  • if needed, specify MRC compression level using -pmcl key;
  • specify other MRC keys.


  • This key specifies whether tuning Mixed Raster Content (MRC) parameters is enabled. By default, MRC is disabled.
Key Parameters Default
-pmrc no


  • This key specifies the background color. You can use -pmbc key with original parameter. In this case, the background color will be detected automatically based on the original background. By default the background color is white or RGB(255,255,255).
Key Parameters Default
-pmbc lor in RGB format or original string parameter 0xffffff


  • This key specifies the down sampling rate of the background. Only a positive rate makes sense.
Key Parameters Default
-pmbds background down sampling rate 4


  • This key specifies the background format.
Key Parameters Default
-pmbf JpegColor, JpegGray
(see descriptions in ExportPictureFormatEnum)


  • This key specifies the value of JPEG compression for background color in percentage points.
Key Parameters Default
-pmbq background JPEG quality in percent 5


  • This key specifies the down sampling rate of the color mask. Only a positive rate makes sense.
Key Parameters Default
-pmcmds color mask down sampling rate 4


  • This key specifies the color mask format.
Key Parameters Default
-pmcmf JpegColor
(see descriptions in ExportPictureFormatEnum)


  • This key specifies the color mask JPEG quality in percentage points. The bigger the value, the better the quality.
Key Parameters Default
-pmcmq color mask JPEG quality in percent 30


  • This key specifies the MRC compression level.
Key Parameters Default
-pmcl LowCompression
(see descriptions in PDFMRCCompressionLevelEnum)


  • This key specifies not to keep the original background during export to PDF/A. If -pmnkb key is not used, the original background is retained.
Key Parameters Default
-pmnkb no


  • When this key is not used, the recognized text is monochrome. Also if you do not use -pmnmt key, you can specify the text color using -pmtc key.
Key Parameters Default
-pmnmt no


  • This key specifies whether pictures should be considered as parts of the background. If you use -pmpib key, the background compression options are used for the pictures. When you do not use this key, pictures are not considered as parts of the background.
Key Parameters Default
-pmpib no


  • This key specifies the text color in monochrome mode, i.e., only when -pmnmt key is not used. By default, the text color is black or RGB(0,0,0).
Key Parameters Default
-pmtc color in RGB format 0x000000


  • This key specifies the down sampling rate of the text mask. Only a positive rate makes sense.
Key Parameters Default
-pmtmds text mask down sampling rate


  • This key specifies the text mask compression algorithm.
Key Parameters Default
-pmtmf CCITT4
(see descriptions in ExportPictureFormatEnum)


  • This key specifies the text mask quality in percentage points. The bigger the value, the better the quality.
Key Parameters Default
-pmtmq text mask JPEG quality in percent 75